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Patios, walkways and paths

  • Choose permeable (porous) materials for patios and walkways. 不透水(无孔)表面,如混凝土天井和道路,防止雨水自然渗透到土壤中. 这会造成侵蚀,给我们的水处理基础设施带来负担.
  • In order to improve durability and drainage, 确保可透水表面下的次表面准备正确, such as with crushed rock.
  • 使用太阳能景观灯,以避免增加的能源使用和布线安装成本. These lights use small, 集成的光伏板可以储存白天的能量,以便在天黑后使用.


  • Wood decks tend to require a lot of work and maintenance. 考虑耐久性和耐腐性,特别是如果你的建筑靠近地面.
  • If you decide on a wood deck, seek out FCS-certified lumber.
  • According to the EPA, 毒性最小的替代品是用硼酸盐防腐剂处理过的木材. Although more environmentally-friendly and safer for humans, 硼酸处理的木材不适合用于暴露在雨中或与地面接触的木材.
  • 甲板托梁和梁的其他良好替代品是结构再生塑料和铜唑处理(CA-B)木材.


  • Select native plant species. They are adapted to our region, many are drought-tolerant, 而且大多数在种植后不需要农药或化肥.
  • 在后院创造一个栖息地,吸引各种野生动物, 并考虑通过国家野生动物联合会认证你的后院为经过认证的野生动物栖息地.
  • 如果种植非本地物种,选择水分充足或抗旱的植物.
  • If your house is in an especially breezy location, plant trees or shrubs to block the prevailing wind. 这可以帮助减少冬天进入房子的冷空气.

Irrigation systems

自动洒水系统浪费了大约30%的水. 一旦景观建立,就可以设计出一种景观,将定期补充浇水的需求降至最低.

  • If your garden hose leaks at the spigot threads, try installing a rubber, round-edged washer instead of a flat-edged washer.
  • 浸泡软管和滴灌是永久性地下灌溉系统的好选择. 浸水软管由回收塑料制成,价格便宜. 滴灌系统通过微小的发射器直接向土壤浇水,因此它们可以更精确地浇水,以满足特定植物类型的需求.
  • 安装你的灌溉系统,用家里的灰水来灌溉. Typical greywater sources are showers and clothes washers. 在西雅图和金县,使用灰水灌溉需要许可证. 许可证要求在申请时提交管道/灌溉系统设计.
  • 安装一个基于天气的灌溉控制器,根据天气自动调整浇水时间表.

Rainwater harvest

你可以把屋顶上的雨水储存起来,以备以后使用,从而尽量减少饮用水的使用. Whichever system(s) you choose, 你将帮助重新利用通常会直接进入排水沟的水.

  • First, reduce your water consumption by minimizing turf areas, reducing plantscape area, 种植需要更少水的本地和适应本地的物种.
  • 然后投资于与你的浇水需求相匹配的收获系统.
  • 雨桶很受欢迎,但它们的体积小,效率不如蓄水池. Here in the Puget Sound area; the weeks without rain from July through September mean your rain barrel empties quickly, and doesn’t refill. 一些司法管辖区以折扣价提供雨水桶,或者可以在家装店购买.
  • 蓄水池是更大的水箱,可以储存数百到数千加仑的水, 足以显著减少或消除将市政用水用于景观目的的需要.
  • Rain gardens can be an attractive addition to your landscape, but must be carefully designed and located to avoid flooding.

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Landscape and gardening

Rainwater harvest


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