
Energy: heating, cooling and ventilation

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All elements of your home are connected – directly or indirectly. 它们作为一个系统一起工作,一个领域的效率可能会对你在另一个领域的选择产生重大影响. 例如,如果你正在考虑安装一个新的供暖系统,首先考虑和一位专业人士谈谈 家庭表演专家下载 400 K about options for improving your existing distribution system by sealing ducts, 给墙壁或阁楼隔热, or air sealing your house to maximize your home’s performance first. 这些措施可能会影响您选择的供暖系统的大小和成本效益. An estimated 40 percent of home energy use is for space heating. 如果你的系统效率低下,那么30- 50%的能量就会被浪费掉. See tips below to improve your home’s system.


  • Hire a Building Performance Institute (BPI) 认证检查员下载 400 K to conduct a blower door test to identify and quantify air leakage paths, 测试管道密封性, 寻找其他的绝缘材料, 设备, and ventilation opportunities for improvement.
  • Remove sources of pollution at their source. 例如, 使用浴室和厨房的电扇, 把鞋放在外面, 不要在室内吸烟.
  • Install a whole-house ventilation system to dilute existing, 小型污染物, and rely on filtration to remove larger particles. Filtration systems alone will not provide good air quality.







这些都很容易安装,并做更好的工作分配温暖或凉爽的空气在家里比电踢脚板或电墙壁加热器, thus making living areas more comfortable. These may not be applicable for all home sizes or floor plans.


空气源热泵和地源热泵的效率是电阻热泵的2-4倍. 这些通常与管道系统相结合,可以取代燃气或燃油炉. 它们还提供高效的冷却,这在一些家庭/地点可能是理想的.



Choose an ENERGY STAR labeled model of gas furnace.


Change your furnace air filter once a month during the heating season. Choose MERV-8 filters, preferably approved by the American Lung Association.

Install furnace in central, well-insulated mechanical closet.

Install furnaces that match the size of your ducts and vice versa.

ECM变速鼓风机旨在通过您的炉子提供恒定速率的气流. 如果你的管道系统尺寸过小, the ECM fan will operate at a high speed, 这可能会导致设备寿命缩短和高用电量.






Consider installing a fireplace device, 如烟道顶部的阻尼器, 通风口, heat exchangers and/or a fireplace insert with a blower, which can significantly improve efficiency and heat circulation.


  • Install a carbon monoxide (CO) detector for homes with any combustion devices, 尤其是壁炉或柴炉, 燃气或燃油炉, and especially in homes with attached garages. CO detectors warn residents when CO concentration reaches unhealthy levels. They are inexpensive and relatively easy to install. Detectors should be placed near fireplaces/furnaces, bedrooms and at least one on each level of the home. 在有燃料燃烧设备的房子的每一层都安装一氧化碳探测器. Because CO gas distributes evenly in air, 探测器最好安装在5到6英尺高的墙上最容易被看到的地方. Place the detector at least 6 feet away from the fuel-burning appliance.
  • Replace CO detectors every 3 to 5 years depending on the life of the sensor. 大多数传感器不会发出警报,直到CO水平达到远高于美国环保署规定的9 ppm的上限. 更昂贵的检测器型号将检测较低水平的CO,并有助于防止长期暴露于CO对健康的危害.
  • Gas fireplaces and stoves should always be vented to the outside. 冷凝煤气炉中的任何加湿器都应关闭,酸性冷凝水应中和并排出. Whenever possible, install sealed combustion models.
  • Season dry wood for at least six months before burning. Do not store wood indoors where it will contribute to indoor humidity. 木头也不要放在房子的侧面,因为那里的害虫会利用木头堆来躲避捕食者. Wood stacked next to siding encourages mold growth and accelerates siding decay.
  • From the crawl space (or basement) and attic, 使用防火封堵, 防火填缝和防火泡沫,用于密封砖石烟囱周围穿透地板和天花板的缝隙.
  • Close the fireplace damper the morning after burning a fire. Continue to keep the damper closed until the next time you start a fire.


  • Install a programmable thermostat (7-day programmable or manual). Some learning thermostats offer additional features. 总是使用恒温器的功能,无论它是哪种类型,以匹配你的时间表.
  • 请认证的性能测试舒适系统(PTCS)热泵技术员分析您的系统. Proper control settings are crucial for proper heat pump performance.
  • Install thermostats on an interior wall and keep them out of direct sunlight.
  • 定期检查你的恒温器,以确保它不会永远卡在“打开风扇”模式,除非系统是为此设计的.


  • Check your ductwork/distribution system. 绝缘不良或未密封的管道可以将多达一半的热量转移到家中未加热的区域. Because ductwork is under pressure, small holes can leak a lot of hot air. Pay attention to detail and seal ductwork with mastic only. Duct tape is not good for sealing ducts.
  • If you find white tape on your ductwork it may contains asbestos, which presents a serious health hazard. Contact a professional remediation specialist.
  • Close or cover forced air registers and grilles. 这给炉子增加了压力, 缩短其寿命, and increases duct leakage – a costly consequence.


  • Follow the industry’s saying of “build it tight, ventilate it right.” This refers to making sure your house is well sealed, 知道什么时候, 从哪里, and how much outside air is being circulated in your home, and exhausting stale air to protect your health and your house’s health.
  • 1991年以前建造的房屋, 按照华盛顿州通风和室内空气质量法规的规定,升级到全屋通风系统.
  • 安装一个热回收通风机(HRV)来回收从家中排出的空气中的热量. 这些装置可以回收50- 80%的热量,否则会通过通风损失. Install whole house ventilation systems, as prescribed in the Washington State 通风 and Indoor Air Quality Code, for homes without existing whole house ventilation.
  • 选择提供多种功能的系统,以获得更大的收益. 例如,HRV为您的家庭提供过滤的新鲜空气,同时捕获离开房屋的热量. 一些强制空气系统直接通过空气处理器(炉)吸收新风。. 无论系统是加热还是冷却,确保你的风扇每天运行一段规定的时间.
  • 一些家庭在窗户上使用滴流通风口,加上预编程的全屋风扇. While this is the least preferred method for energy efficiency, you can fine tune it for optimization. 考虑雇佣一名 家居服务承办商下载 400 K to inspect this system to ensure you are circulating enough fresh air.


  • 无管道“迷你分体式”热泵加热器是一个很好的选择,与踢脚板或电墙加热器的房子. 检查你当地的公用事业是否有回扣.
  • 如果你选择安装热泵, consider ground or water source technologies, which deliver even higher efficiencies than the common air source heat pump. 地面和水源系统, 然而, will require a larger initial budget and more extensive site work.
  • 在你提高了你的隔热水平,升级了你的供暖系统和电器之后, 考虑安装光伏(PV)或太阳能电池板,将阳光转化为电能. Look for rebates to help reduce the initial costs.

加热, cooling and ventilation resources
